Rudolf Steiner's Complete Works

Rudolf Steiner's complete works run to over 330 volumes. English readers are not easily able to gain an overview of the whole. Up until recently his books have been published in translation, often incomplete, with little reference to their place in his complete oeuvre. I have compiled a searchable database of his all his works with corresponding volume number from the Complete Works edition (in German the "Gesamtausgabe", or "complete edition" abbreviated GA in German, CW in English) as assigned by the Rudolf Steiner Archives in Dornach, Switzerland. The Archives organized the Complete Works edition and assigned volume numbers starting in 1956. The archival work is not yet finished; over a dozen new volumes have been added in the last 5 years, with more in preparation.

Steiner Books has started to issue the Complete Works in English. The project aims to publish the entire set, volume for volume, following the German. The first volume to be published in the English Complete Works edition was volume 28, in 2006. It will be many years before this monumental task of translating and publishing all 330 volumes complete.

This database contains detailed information about each volume, including the dates of every lecture in that volume (if applicable).

A cosiderably expanded and much more up-to-date version of this database is available in the Aelzina Books Complete Works Database.

Currently you can:

View the Complete List by Volume Number

View a full list of known English translations of Rudolf Steiner's works

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The information above is believed to be accurate, but may not be complete. Translation of GA title by Daniel Hindes. Assembled by Daniel Hindes with much help.